Lest you think I have changed the focus of my blog (again!), let me assure you that this is not really a post about gardening! Though you may learn a few garden-y things along the way… Most long-time gardeners have learned that a healthy garden requires regular nourishment of organic waste and microorganisms. Though synthetic […]
Reinterpreting Your Past
Prenatal Parenting: The Impact of Stress
Stress. You can’t avoid it. Some stress is actually good for us. Your baby experiences the world through your emotions and will develop a nervous system that is equipped to deal with the stress they experience through you. This is a developmental necessity. However, some stress is unhelpful and if your cortisol level is raised […]
Learning as you live … an EFT journey for birth trauma
Why is Pregnancy/Birth so important to me?
In my latest hiatus from blogging, I’ve been dealing with some recurring mild depression–something I’ve had all my life, but since it’s never been debilitating and I’ve never been diagnosed or medicated for it, it’s been easy to ignore–attribute to the gray skies here in the Pacific NW, or in other ways rationalize it away. […]
Getting ready…
Spent the weekend finishing up my PowerPoint presentation for the conference. The process was made much easier by having Karl’s notes from my EFT Level One and Two training as a guide. I also watched the one EFT DVD set that somehow I hadn’t seen: “The Palace of Possibilities.” Low and behold, there is Gary […]
Guess who’s presenting at the Trust Birth Conference?
I’m so excited! Got the email yesterday and spoke to Kristi Zittle, the conference organizer about flight details, staying an extra night, etc. I will be holding a 4 hour EFT for Birth Professionals training on Thursday afernoon/evening and a 90 minute EFT- Up Close and Personal presentation on Saturday morning. Time to get that […]
Opportunity knocks and random thoughts…
I woke up this morning to an email asking me if I would consider being the back-up EFT Presenter for the Trust Birth Conference this year. I am beyond excited!!! One of my main intentions last year was to work with women in the birth community and this is a tremendous opportunity. I’ll know next […]