For the last 6 years we have (mostly) stopped giving Xmas gifts and instead donate to a local charity, like Ben’s Bells. This practice evolved out of a desire to focus on experiences instead of “stuff” and supports our continuing journey of minimalism. Over time, people got the message and (mostly) stopped giving us things! […]
Weight Loss during Menopause-Part 2
Weight Loss during Menopause-Part 1
The most obvious sign of my impending menopause was putting on body fat, especially belly fat. Excessive belly fat is associated with increased metabolic syndrome and other disease. In my journey of letting go, one of the areas I wanted to address was the idea that aging needed to be a downhill slide into ill-health. […]
Some of us learned to ignore our own needs…to put others first to avoid abandonment, that self-sacrifice is somehow spiritual or to prioritize money over health and happiness. The cost of not tending to ourselves can be high. Often the cost is higher, in terms of time, attention and money, than it would have been had […]
Spring Blossoms!
As always, my garden provides never-ending inspiration and meditation. The “mystery” bush in our new front garden turned out to be this extravagantly flowered Star Magnolia. Isn’t she GORGEOUS? Healthy, grounded and delightful. Just how I want to be in my life. Like my garden, I am reaping the rewards of all the composting I did […]
Making Compost; Fertilizing Happiness
Lest you think I have changed the focus of my blog (again!), let me assure you that this is not really a post about gardening! Though you may learn a few garden-y things along the way… Most long-time gardeners have learned that a healthy garden requires regular nourishment of organic waste and microorganisms. Though synthetic […]
Reinterpreting Your Past
Living Low Carb in a High Carb Culture
When I was an enthusiastic vegetarian in my twenties and early thirties, I found it challenging to be “the odd person out” amidst my friends and family–and mainstream food culture. Between my evangelizing and explaining my choices, meal time was not always very relaxed–for anyone. Funnily enough, vegetarianism is much more accepted in the last […]
How I Exercise.
What I eat.
As I mentioned a couple of months ago, I wanted to make my blog a bit more personal, while still being relevant to my clients. So here goes! Over the years, my way of eating has ranged from SAD (Standard American Diet) with a healthy dose of liver and onions (thanks Mom!) to ovo-lacto vegetarian […]