In Part 1, I shared some of my mostly unsuccessful weight loss history. In this post I will tell you how I tweaked my eating pattern to optimize fat loss. It’s all about Insulin. The key to allowing the body to access its fat stores is to keep insulin levels low. Below is my simple […]
Weight Loss during Menopause-Part 1
The most obvious sign of my impending menopause was putting on body fat, especially belly fat. Excessive belly fat is associated with increased metabolic syndrome and other disease. In my journey of letting go, one of the areas I wanted to address was the idea that aging needed to be a downhill slide into ill-health. […]
Enjoying Menopause – Embracing my New Self
Enjoying Menopause – Dying to my Old Self
Women reach menopause at many ages (and sometimes surgically), so I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like for someone else. I will simply share my story, in the hopes that it will inspire you into your own inquiry and reflection about how your menopause has changed how you think and feel about […]