Even before I started working with pregnant women, I noticed how much distress my clients were carrying from their own births and pre-natal experience.
Unhealed pre-natal and birth trauma can result in chronic issues such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders and addictions.
When I started working with first-time pregnant clients, I noticed that their pre-natal & birth experiences would always come up during sessions. Often, there was still residual trauma that was impacting their ability to enjoy their pregnancy.
I also work with parents who are ready for another child, but are carrying trauma from the experience of their first child’s birth and don’t want it to impact their future births.
Pre-natal and Peri-natal psychologists now understand how conscious we are as babies and in the womb. These early experiences can have huge impacts on our lives. Until recently, there was no easy was to access and heal this early trauma.
With powerful Energy Psychology techniques like EFT and Matrix Reimprinting we can quickly clear the emotional distress from any birth or pre-natal trauma, so you can feel free to move forward in your life from a healthy place.
What is Birth Trauma?
I define Birth Trauma as any distressing experience that happens once labor begins, until 3 months post partum. This can include breast-feeding difficulties and extreme sleep deprivation.
Links to articles on Birth Trauma:
What does Birth Trauma Look Like?
An EFT Journey for Birth Trauma