As I mentioned a couple of months ago, I wanted to make my blog a bit more personal, while still being relevant to my clients. So here goes! Over the years, my way of eating has ranged from SAD (Standard American Diet) with a healthy dose of liver and onions (thanks Mom!) to ovo-lacto vegetarian […]
Three Key Supplements
If you are eating a varied whole foods, nutrient-dense diet (including liver, eggs and seafood), get plenty of sun and have good gut health, then you probably don’t need supplements. So why am I writing this article, you may ask? Many folk, especially those who live inland or at higher latitudes, will tend to be […]
Optimizing Sleep
Sun: Neglected Nourishment
I’ve posted at length here and on my FB Page about the importance of Vitamin D3, but I haven’t tackled the topic of sun exposure to any depth. Let’s explore this under-valued and misunderstood source of nutrients for body and mind, shall we? Life would not exist on earth without the Sun. It is essential […]