Spent the weekend finishing up my PowerPoint presentation for the conference. The process was made much easier by having Karl’s notes from my EFT Level One and Two training as a guide. I also watched the one EFT DVD set that somehow I hadn’t seen: “The Palace of Possibilities.” Low and behold, there is Gary Craig teaching an advanced EFT Basics workshop! The perfect material to get me ready. It’s all been very easy and fun!
After a brief kerfluffle (I love that word!) I found my “dongle” (another great word…) to connect my MacBook Air with the hotel’s projector. Tomorrow, I’ll do some rehearsal with a borrowed projector, get an update as to attendee number tomorrow and have my handouts printed, then I’ll be set except for packing…
I’m driving down to the airport with a doula who lives on Whidbey Island. Somehow she found out I was going to the conference and offered me a ride. Isn’t that great manifestation? She is picking me up at Keystone, so except for getting to the ferry (thanks, Honey!) I have a very easy travel day. Someone from the conference staff will pick up at LAX. I’m so looking forward to some sunny weather and mid-70s temps…especially as it’s gotten a wee bit colder here, with early morning frosts. I’m even bringing my bikini…Hah! Don’t expect any pictures of that…and it reminds me to pack my camera now…
At the conference, I’ll finally get to meet Laura Shanley, Dr. Sarah Buckley, Midwife Pamela Hines-Powell and others who have influenced my thinking around Birth. I feel expectant (perfect for a Birth conference, no?)