Moving so often has been a great teacher about the need to be present with myself, my husband, my dog and of course my friends and family. It’s impossible to stay “in transition” when I am in transition all the time! I’ve had very mixed feelings about my life lately and it’s been quite up […]
Spring brings changes!
Some of you may have noticed that I recently changed my site header–this site is no longer just “Pregnancy Coaching for Conscious Parents.” I wanted to be more inclusive of the types of clients that I actually work with; from folks who want nutrition coaching to those who need some emotional support with EFT/Matrix Reimprinting/life […]
Blame it on the Chile!
Sorry for the long hiatus, but things have gotten very transitional and a bit chaotic around here… Last year, my husband got a hankering for Mexican food, which led to an all-out addiction to New Mexican green chile and thus began the latest installment of our on-going adventure in moving home. We’ve moved house twice […]
Learning as you live … an EFT journey for birth trauma
Integrating…and Processing
Just back from another Deepening weekend with Whapio, complete with a Blessingway for Britnee, who is due early April. I’m so inspired by this circle of women–mostly doulas, midwives-in-training and a few midwives who live and work in Olympia. They have been very welcoming and I am feeling the lack of a similar birthing community […]